Tasks for piggies 


Task 1 : You have 5 chances to get your  permission to send today.

Guess the right amount you'd be allowed to send. Good luck!

Guess the amount loser

Guess the amount loser

Guess a number between €1 and €20:

Attempts left:

If you were able to guess the amount correctly, take a screenshot of the result and send it to me using the "Click here" contact formular in the website.  Send me then the amount you've correctly guessed using one of the tribute methods below. You will get an extra task as reward!

If you're feeling weak and pathetic, and you think you need to double it then spin the wheel and take a second screenshot. Attach it also in the contact formular "Click here". You will receive in return, in addition to the extra task, a short video of me as a reward.

Task 2 (optional) : Feeling week today? if you correctly guessed the initial amount loser, then it's time to double it!

Designed by: Queen of Souls                                                                Email: xqueenofsoulsx@gmail.com

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