Blackmail mail Timer- version Skype (RF02)

This game is about using a website where you attach a humiliating pic of you. Then, after a count down of some minuts, the picture will be sent to my email if you don't stop the timer.

But, stopping the timer would stop the tease (either meanwhile a Cam2cam or teamviewer session). I could have you for example in both also (on skype teasing you and on TeamViewer to check that the timer in your screen is working correctly)

The game have two version : one short version, where we play only for one picture (one Timer). Or an extended version (up to 3 or 4 Timers, where we play for 3-4pictures/info)

The choice of picture for this one time play game depend on the slave (could be : humiliating pic with or without face, picture of bill showing address, or picture of hand writing of the address/phone number of the wife/GF...etc.)

Contact me to sheddule a meeting. Payments could be done according to the avalaible options on tribute methods section.

Choose a variant:

0.00 €

Designed by: Queen of Souls                                                                Email:

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