Escape the ropes bdsm/blackmail game (RF01)

The concept of this game is about me having you on a cam2cam session, giving you tips about how to tie your self.

Then you'd play against a timer, if you should untie your self at time.

if you untie yourself at time you are safe, if not you get a punishment.

The punishment could be decided according to the slave (before the session) as we will discuss about it.

Some possible punishment if the slave fail the challenge :

1. for blackmail slaves into teamviewer : i can have you on TeamViewer and start locking you down for example. If you untie at time, you are safe. If not, you are locked out from ur laptop.

2. for finsub/teamviewer rinsing : meanwhile the slave untie himself, i will send to my paypal account a small amount every one minute. the faster the slave is the less damage his wallet get.

3. For blackmail slaves/teamviewer : I go on the email timer website. i attach a photo (from your laptop : humiliating pic, pic of ur adress, ect.) every 2 minuts. *the first 2 minuts, i will attach the first humuliating pic of you. the second 2 minuts i will attach ur address... The last 2 minuts, i can attach for example your id...etc. **And you need ro untie and stop the timer to stop sending the pics to my E-mail, by clicking on the stop button. the faster you are, the less trapped you get

4. for blackmail/exposure slaves : you will send me all your pics/info. plus i will record the session. if you don't untie on time i post you online. or you should pay 30 euro that i delete them.

Be sure to have long ropes for the challenge. (or many chains plus padlock). you can show me what you have on my Email so i tell you if you have all what is needed or not.

Paying options are avalaible in the tribute methods section.

Email me or contact me in the chat section in this website.

Choose a variant:

0.00 €

Designed by: Queen of Souls                                                                Email:

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