Mouse counter task vs exposure on Teamviewer (+Forced intox) (RF06)

$ Mouse counter- forced intox challenge $

1-if the slave is into forced intox then he need to preparre his bottle before starting.

2-The challenge is about sniffing and trying to succeed 3 tasks on mouse clicker (60, 120, 180 clicks) coupled to a timer. if the tasks were successful the slave is safe.

3- However, each time the slave fail in a task, he get a black screen for 60, 120, or 180 according to wich task he failed.

4- if the slave failed in more than 1 task, he get inputs blocked and a pic of him (or Screenshot of him) will be uploaded online from his own machine (on for 24h)

5-the challenge needs to be done on Teamviewer. optional : cam2cam meanwhile the session.

0.00 €

Designed by: Queen of Souls                                                                Email:

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