Pick cards game Blackmail- Skype / Teamviewer (RF04)

Two sets of cards are involved in this game : set of cards 1 (JOI/chastity and/or forcedintox-giving infos) and set of cards 2 teamviewer.

the rule is as follow :

1- The slave needs to chose if he like to couple the game to JOI or to chastity belt. also, if the slave is into forced intoxication, then the slave can sniff on aroma or so according to what he usually use for forced intoxication. The slave needs to be on cam 2 cam session, and needs to have Teamviewer on windows.

2-The slave will be receiving instructions for jerking off/forced intoxication meanwhile he will need to pick cards from the first set of cards. The slave needs then to give the required info/pic according to what he just get.

3- If the slave don´t like to give the required pic/info, he have the possibility to decline it, and pick an alternative card from the set 2.

4- The set 2 is the alternative cards, and all the issue requires to be done on teamviewer on windows. 

5-The slave needs to keep playing, until getting a joker. By getting a joker the slave can decide to end the game or to continue further. if the slave get a joker, and decided to continue the game, it´s not possible to stop the game again until he get the next joker.

if the slave decided not to stop the games when having the jokers, the game needs to run further until all cards from set 1 are picked.

0.00 €

Designed by: Queen of Souls                                                                Email: xqueenofsoulsx@gmail.com

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