$$$RTgame VS Password games$$$

0.00 €

Rule: You'd get 8 tasks to do with me on Teamviewer. Meanwhile the Session, an RT game will be running (45min)

Step 1 : Taking control over your computer by setting PWs

For the tasks 1,2 and 3 (Puzzles versus Minuteur, communicated by me during the session):

Every time you fail, i set a new password of my choice in your computer in order to take more and more control over it ( TeamViewer PW, TeamViewer option PW, new user account pw)

Every time you succeed a task, you earn a "reduction card"

Step 2 : Locking folders in your computer by setting PWs

For the tasks 4: (Writeforme)

Every time you do a mistake, i add one more file of my choice to Lockbox which will restrict access to these files (and I set a PW)

If you do no mistakes you'd earn a "Reduction card"

Step 3 : Using phishing websites to Collect your social medias PWs

Blackscreen, then opening xx links in your navigator (some are true websites, some are made to just transfer me ur PWs)

Your task 5, is to decide within 10 seconds, in wich website u'd fill your credential (Email, PW).

for every credential filled, you'd earn a "reduction card"

Step 4
Option 1: Applying restrictions over your access to the social medias by modifying collected PWs +filling debt contract
(applicable when i collected ur logins to some websites during step3, else we pick the option 2 as alternative)

Task 6 : Fill the debt contract i send u, versus minuteur of xx minuts, meanwhile i do random block input.

Every 1 min extra you need to finish filling, i will block ur input, and modify one of the PW collected in step 3. so you'd loose access to the considered account.

(alternative option 2) :Filling the debt contract

Task6 : Fill the debt contract .

Step 5 :use the reduction cards

Task 7: fill the amount issued by the RT game in the contract.

reduction cards collected could be used as follow : 

1 card = -2% of the total amount 

                or could be exchanged to request 1 PW back, before the scheduled time (as i would be giving PW back weekly, after debt payment).

Step 6: submit contract.

Task 8 : Paying your debts as discussed in the debt contract. 

if you do your weekly payment of your debts in time, u'd get 1 PW back after every payment.


Designed by: Queen of Souls                                                                Email: xqueenofsoulsx@gmail.com

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