Lock keys and laptop in a room- let the fun begins

Lock chastity belt.
Put the keys if the chastity and your laptop (with teamviewer running on it) in a separate room. Lock this room with a key.

Go put the key of the locked room in your post box. Send a video as proof. I

After tasks are done, we call on Skype cam2cam so i use u to entertain me some (could be included meanwhike the c2c: forced intoxication, foot worship, recording, humiliation...). I will give you the permission to go bring the keys of the locked room according to the conditions we sit before playing.

After unlocking the room and your dick, a count down is sit for u to be able to cum.

What you will need: laptop (teamviewer installed), phone or tablette (skype installed), chastity belt, a room which u can lock, product for forced intox and toys (optional)

0.00 €

Designed by: Queen of Souls                                                                Email: xqueenofsoulsx@gmail.com

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