RT-game coupled to filling debt agreement on Teamviewer (RF05)

§ Teamviewer debt game §

1-The challenge starts with an RTgame to set the amount of debt.

2-when the RT results come up, the slave needs to give his teamviewer id and password so i log in in his machine to fill the Debt agreement. ***follow the link below to take a look at the Debt agreement.

3-optional: wheels to decide about deadline+fees and having the slave on cam2cam meanwhile the teamviewer session.

4- the slave is challenged to cum on time i set. a counter will show up in the screen. The slave and the slave needs to cum on time to decide if he really like to click on submit contract or not.

5- if the slave didn't cum on time, i block his input and i click on submit, so the debts becomes real.

0.00 €

Designed by: Queen of Souls                                                                Email: xqueenofsoulsx@gmail.com

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